Search Results
Dr. John Harbo, Measuring and Retaining VSH for ALL BEEKEEPERS
A short discussion/explanation of the Harbo Assay as a means to measure a colony’s mite growth.
VSH Testing With Cory Stevens (Harbo Assay)
Selective Breeding and Field Performance of Better Bred Bees with VSH | Frank Rinkevich, PhD
Global Evidence for Varroa Mite-Tolerant Bees with Dr. Stephen Martin
Selecting for Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) in Honey Bees
Beekeeping: Massive Bee Colony with Massive Mites and how VSH may help
VSH Queen rearing Cory Stevens- Breeding Queen Bees- Beekeeping
Mite Resistant Honeybees? VSH Explained (Cory Stevens)
Dr. Garett Slater, Bee Breeding in the Age of Genomics | Improved Breeding Paradigm
The Simplicity of Selection and Breeding of Honeybees in the Treatment-Free apiary with Terry Combs
Beekeeping and Queens: Mastering OTS Queen Rearing Techniques with John Schwartz